What’s That Smell?
You’ve cleaned your floormats and hopefully cleaned all the garbage out of your car, but there’s still an odd smell that you can’t seem to place. It could be your car’s cabin air filter (or it could be the french fry your dear child left under the seat three months ago). This is the filter that outside air passes through before entering the cabin. Think of it like a home furnace filter — you know the one you’re supposed to change regularly? If it’s been a while since you or a mechanic has changed your car’s air filter, it’s past time to do it. And if your car sits outside, be prepared to find a mini-arboretum in that old filter. Ideally you should get your cabin air filter changed every 15,000 miles, but it’s a good idea to consult your manual. Many vehicles have difficult-to-access filters, so its best to bring your car into the shop to get the filter changed out!